3 Questions for our CEO, Anthony Newcombe

January, 2022 edition
1) What causes (charities) are you backing currently?
We’re directing traffic to assist the island of Tonga right now. For those who aren’t keeping up for whatever reason, the island just got annihilated by an underwater volcanic eruption and they are in desperate need of funds for rebuilding the area. Please visit American Red Cross to submit whatever cash donation you can afford. Thank you.
2) What books are you reading right now?
–Rationality by Steven Pinker (completed first week of January, 2022)
I’d be remiss not to mention I just wrapped up three outstanding works, all very different topics: Moloka’i by Alan Brennert (over Thanksgiving, 2021), The Premonition by the great Michael Lewis, and Next Man Up by John Feinstein (read over the winter holidays).
3) What’s next?
I just started Dwyane by NBA great, Dwyane Wade. As you can see, my genres are all over the place, but that is my secret sauce to staying engaged and keep knocking ‘em down!
Anthony Newcombe is a 4-time entrepreneur, author, and narrator. For more information, please visit our Other Platforms page