Before Thanksgiving

3 Questions

with our CEO Anthony Newcombe

Happy almost-winter folks! Rather than make you wait until 2023, we are going to add a little newbie to our lineup this month. Anthony would like to feature our new “shout outs” to various online personalities whom Anthony either follows and/ or admires.

It is a great way to add a “pinch of spice” to our new content, while also giving something back – so that it’s not only about us! We hope you like it and we look forward to your feedback which we’ll point to our social media sites for responses.* Okay, here goes …

Leading off: Shout Out Section: this edition is @ClarkLittle 🌊

Clark also has a recent book on photography entitled The Art of Waves **

On deck: Are there any empty legs available for the upcoming holiday break (Thanksgiving Week)?

In the hole: What book(s) have you read since last time?

The Billion Dollar Whale

Sometimes it’s nice to dive into a thriller about a real criminal. This one is about a guy whose stories fooled pretty much every type of wealthy group imaginable: elite schoolmates, global bankers, politicians, movie makers – stars and starlets – and, of course, investors.

This was an unbelievable story. I guess it’s always easiest to see it with 20/20 hindsight … check it out!


**None of our features are paid sponsorships. We simply want to share their handles and give our reader base some information on what we like about them. That is the extent of it. Should we choose to make any changes on this section going forward, we will ensure to inform beforehand.


Happy flying!


Anthony Newcombe is a 4-time entrepreneur, published author and narrator, and full-stack web developer (The original “gig worker”). He can be reached for appearances via our CONTACT PAGE.


Since 2008, a leading private charter and jet sales company ...