Shelter in place

A Closer Look …

with Anthony Newcombe  published with permission from 🦃Date: November 5, 2021 🍂 👀This month’s topic:  👀 Did the American Worker Burnout (on America)?  We’ve always pride ourselves on our “American work ethic.” The number of hours we labor, the few paid vacation days we take advantage of – always the highest and lowest in the world […]

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A Closer Look … with Anthony Newcombe published with permission from Area(s):  Education, Business, Psychology  Topic: Reliance on remote technology for school, work, and emotional well-being …  Issue: Are we putting so much emphasis on virtual technology that we may find ourselves paralyzed when it’s time to ‘come back into the real world?’  Let’s […]

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A Closer Look … with Anthony Newcombe published with permission from Area(s): business, politics (and the strange ways they seem to intersect these days) Topic: Business “Monopoly sweepstakes” during this pandemic  Issue: Are “favored” companies taking unfair advantage of “unfavored” ones – as well as the rest of us – during this pandemic?  I don’t […]

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Skills? (A Closer Look)

A Closer Look … with Anthony Newcombe  published with permission from Let’s take a closer look … @ NEW SKILLS DURING COVID LOCKDOWN?? Topic: What skill did you learn/ are you learning during the extended “home-based” Covid-19 period?   Personal note: Like you, I noticed plenty of people getting in on the new “mask production craze.”   […]

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A Closer Look

with Anthony Newcombe Published with permission from Topic: Reopening vs. Testing (Covid-19)   Issue: Is it better to risk an economic collapse using a more deliberate approach in reopening America (with a broader national testing program), or, try to get us ‘back to normal’ as quickly as possible and risk another spike in infections and deaths?  […]

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A Closer Look

with Anthony Newcombe (published with permission from Arena: Healthcare and Politics (and why they don’t mix)  Topic: How do we manage to blame the ‘other party’ during a global pandemic?   I understand all too well that America in 2020 is in the midst of a political tug o’ war over, well, almost everything.  We have demonstrated that we can brawl about […]

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A Closer Look

A Closer Look … at Health & Pandemics! posted with permission from WritePlus with Anthony Newcombe (Vol. II) Issue: What “good” has already resulted from shutting down entire city, state, and nation populations due to the Covid-19 pandemic? Let’s take ‘a closer look’ … If you haven’t yet noticed, we are in an international health […]

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