

Banking regulators step in to save struggling regional banks 3 Questions with our CEO Anthony Newcombe, ANJET CEO #Shoutout of the month Our shout out of the month is: all of the banking regulators responsible for stopping the bank contagion. We need to give the public a break from a continuous stream of crises: the […]

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What’s up, Doc?

3 QUESTIONS December 22, 2021 Edition with ANJET CEO Anthony Newcombe  Have you it the “COVID CURB” yet? A: Fortunately, my family and I have been unaffected by the virus thus far. Unfortunately, like most everyone I’ve had to curb my travel, so I’ve created some new techniques to keep energized and focused at home […]

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A Closer Look …

with Anthony Newcombe ⚖️⚖️🛖🛖💼💼 Published with permission from 🎃October’s topic:  🎃 The “Cottage Industry” has caught up with me (finally) 20-plus years working in a remote setting … and wouldn’t change a thing!  Well, it took a while, but what can I say:  I TOLD you so!  Well, not entirely.  I spent much of my time since 1999 believing I had […]

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